drawing by Justin Bean

drawing by Justin Bean

Acupuncture is the most popular modality of an ancient system of healing developed in the far east.

Many painful, difficult to treat disease processes can be resolved by acupuncture. It is something different to try, and it may or may not help.

Acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine combine to form a potent treatment strategy.

drawing by Justin Bean

drawing by Justin Bean


Acupuncture originated in ancient China.

It is the oldest, most commonly used system of healing in the world.

It is quick to act. It tends to produce permanent results, and it is painless.


Why did I choose to study acupuncture ? A short video.

Justin Bean explains his motivation

Justin Bean, Acupuncturist

Free Consultation

16 West New York Ave.

Somers Point NJ 08244

609 926-3766
