Self Help for Back Pain and Sciatica
drawing by Justin Bean
Depending on several factors the symptoms of sciatica may vary. Even in the same patient, there can be dramatic variation from one moment to the next. There may be back, hip and leg pain simultaneously, or any variation of pain. Sometimes it’s just a feeling of numbness, or weakness, other times it is cold and tingly. This is common when nerves get inflamed. The most common cause of inflammation is the idea of nerves “getting pinched”.
Nerve inflammation hurts so badly it can make the patient desperate for relief.
A person in pain may be willing to take any risk for the chance at quick relief. It is prudent to try the safest and most effective treatment first, I suggest Acupuncture.
It is likely to be effective and is free of dangerous side effects.
drawing by Justin Bean
Back pain is the number one cause for pain medication and missed work, and is the most common complaint I see in my practice. My approach is to always try for a quick fix, a permanent solution. I don’t want to just manage the symptoms that are hurting my patient, I want them to go away. This is part of my strategy to achieve that end, and, for a subset of patients, this approach is gold, and worth a try, even though results may vary.
drawing by Justin Bean
Nerves carry the signals from our body to our brain. If we step in a puddle, or on warm sand, nerves in our feet send messages to our brain to feel wet or warm. If the nerves themselves are inflamed, and start sending messages by mistake, there is no limit to how much pain and suffering is caused.
When the nerves are malfunctioning, the pain is extreme.
Traditional Chinese medicine is an excellent choice for those patients suffering from nerve inflammation, it is hands-on, and holistic in nature. The central tenet is that the body requires balance.
drawing by Justin Bean
The nerves that exit the lower spine can become inflamed. The pressure may come from near the spine or lower in the hip.
drawing by Justin Bean
Different nerve roots follow different paths down the leg. In some cases,. the worst pain is all the way down into the foot.
drawing by Justin Bean
Sitting posture can aggravate or even initiate this condition. Maintaining proper lumbar posture can turn it all around.
In Traditional Chinese medical theory, sitting is very injurious. We sit in the car, on the couch, in front of the computer, when we eat, read or watch TV. Large scale studies find sitting to increase mortality, meaning it causes people to die before their time.
In my acupuncture practice, I give advice on the mechanics of sitting. Tremendous strain is caused while slouching. If it usually hurts a lot getting up, like feeling crippled getting out of the car, I assume sitting was the cause.
Acupuncture works immediately getting the patient out of pain, fixing the posture may help in the long term.
Here we see two different postures. On the left is how the majority of us sit. The right is the correct way. It is very difficult to remember to sit up straight. As soon as you move your attention, the low back flattens out and the spine is shaped like a big “C”.
Maintaining a lumbar curve while seated often improves the outcome. I suggest a lumbar support, not always the kind you buy but maybe a towel rolled up with rubber bands, or use a couch cushion.
We want the shape of the spine to look more like an “S”, and not like a “C”. You can tell when support is sufficient when getting up doesn’t cause the same intense pain.
Try not to sit, but when necessary, use lumbar support.
drawing by Justin Bean