Acupuncture is commonly used to aid in the process of becoming pregnant and giving birth.
There are two different approaches that we take depending on the patients circumstances.
A proportion of patients are already under the care of a reproductive endocrinologist. They are undergoing fertility treatment with a specialist’s office. For this cohort, acupuncture is applied approximately once a week. We do this during the process of testing and stimulating. While the patient undergoes the complicated process of getting ready, we see them once per week.
The acupuncture improves many of the factors that associate with successful implantation, including improved uterine lining and reduced inflammation.
We apply acupuncture approximately once a week until such time as the patient is to undergo their procedure with their physicians office. Whether it is IUI or IVF, we like to see the patient within approximately 24 hours or so before and after the visit.
The patient is driving an hour or so and starting very early in the morning we would see them the day before for acupuncture. If they find it convenient to stop for treatment on the way to their procedure then we can administer it then. The same is true for the way home. We like to apply the acupuncture when convenient for the patient.
Acupuncture is combined with acupressure, a very relaxing procedure and there is no pain involved. Often patients find it to be a very calming influence.
It may be impossible to predict exactly when these procedures occur and so my office has the flexibility to allow my fertility patients to come and go as needed according to their own schedule and comfort.
Acupuncture is combined with acupressure, a very relaxing procedure and there is no pain involved. Often patients find it to be a very calming influence.
It may be impossible to predict exactly when these procedures occur and so my office has the flexibility to allow my fertility patients to come and go as needed according to their own schedule and comfort.
My protocol is based upon a study done in Germany more than 20 years ago that found that acupuncture improved the chances of successful implantation during inVitro fertilization.
A group of 80 patients received two, 25 minute acupuncture treatments, one prior to having fertilized embryos transferred into their uterus, and one directly afterwards. The second group of 80, who also underwent embryo transfer received no acupuncture treatments.
The result: while women in both groups got pregnant the rate was significantly higher in the acupuncture group 31 pregnancies compared with 21 of the women who received IVF alone. Acupuncture almost doubles the rate of success of IVF.
I have a lot of experience in this role, and have been working with our local fertility practices for over two decades and commonly have patients referred directly.
Once pregnancy is achieved acupuncture is discontinued unless there is significant morning sickness or other symptoms requiring treatment.
Another cohort are not under the care of reproductive endocrinology. This group is using acupuncture as its primary therapy.
Acupuncture is just one of the protocols procedures under the umbrella of traditional Chinese medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine includes herbal remedies, dietary therapy, exercise, meditation as well as acupuncture and acupressure.
But this group they may wish to utilize the totality of our tools or pick and choose what they are comfortable with starting out. The acupuncture and acupressure are the same in both groups but for the second group we are free to use herbal remedies as they are not being given pharmaceutical-based hormones. Herbs and medicines may or may not work well together there is simply no way to determine.
The Chinese had a culture that had a tendency to value a copious reproduction. They had a common desire for very large families. They developed techniques and strategies to try to achieve this goal and many of those are included in our protocols.
Acupuncture for this group is best when it includes both husband and wife. The husband can benefit from improved sperm count and motility. The wife can look forward to improved egg production, reduced inflammation, a more receptive uterine lining and hormonal balance.
Treatment is approximately once a week, all herbs provided are included with the acupuncture. I do not sell herbs or supplements.
I have seen benefits for those patients suffering from conditions that affect fertility such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve and poor sperm count and motility. Most patients that suffer from infertility have no explanation. Acupuncture treats the imbalance so it is indicated for the patient that does not have a modern medical diagnosis.
Lifestyle interventions can have profound effects on chronic conditions like vascular disease and diabetes. Reducing the liability of auto immunity will also promote fertility. Stress may or may not be a factor and acupuncture's capacity for reducing the patient's stress level is helpful.